The story follows Light Yagami, a teen genius who discovers a mysterious notebook: the "Death Note", which belonged to the Shinigami Ryuk, and grants the user the supernatural ability to kill anyone whose name is written in its pages. The series centers around Light's subsequent attempts to use the Death Note to carry out a worldwide massacre of individuals whom he deems immoral and to create a crime-free society, using the alias of a god-like vigilante named "Kira", and the subsequent efforts of an elite Japanese police task force, led by enigmatic detective L, to apprehend him.
‘Light Yagami? Do you recognize him? Death Note’s best and most interesting character, which anime fans adore to see. Death Note is a manga series about Light, a high school student who discovers a mysterious notebook with the potential to kill. Light morphed from a vigilante seeking revenge for offenders to a deranged mass murderer seeking to control the world,but what you don't know is you can control ur closet with yagami's favourite fits .
Death Note has become a long-standing favorite of viewers who enjoy cat-and-mouse games between killer and detective, both fighting for their own brand of personal justice- sprinkled with just the right amount of humor, drama, romance and character development. One such character who tends to bring some less serious but still much-needed elements to the show is Misa, the Second Kira and a model who's absolutely obsessed with Light,but we know you're obsessed with her black outfit .
L is an enigmatic, mysterious, and highly-esteemed international consulting detective whose true identity and background is kept a secret. He communicates with law enforcement agencies only through his equally inexplicable handler/assistant, Watari, who serves as his official liaison with the authorities. he has gained a reputation as arguably the world's greatest detective/criminal profiler,just how cool it sounds to have something what L have, even if it's the same clothes.